This is a blog for sharing fun pincushions. I've always wanted to create a blog, but I was never so sure how I would go with consistently posting. This pincushion patterns blog is a solution of sorts, perhaps even best named as an experiment. Something simple to do in a topic that interests me. I really like sewing, however I don't have much of a means to do it. I read a lot of blogs about it, so it I thought sewing would be a nice topic. Sewing by itself is a big broad topic however, so I decided to narrow it down. I narrowed it down as far as I could, but to something that still retained interest for readers. Pincushions seemed like a good niche, so Pincushion Patterns was born!
The future plans for the blog are to gather a nice amount of interesting pincushions, then perhaps introduce my own patterns when I'm able to create them. Before I even create my own though, I plan to test out peoples tutorials and post up the results, commenting on how easy or difficult it was to follow. That is the plan. Before I get there, I want to ensure I remain interested in the topic and continue to post consistently. Kind of like testing out my resolve before I get too committed. Hopefully it all works out and you'll get to see lots and lots of pincushions!
Please enjoy the pincushions. :)
Thanks for reading!